München I

Just some random shots that I took in Munich earlier today. I think I walked like 10-15km for a straight 4-5 hours... It was well worth it though, I got to discover some new places that I didn't know before.As usual, I went to Marienplatz as my last stop to have a 3er Box at KFC, little did I know there was actually an act of bigotry being shown up in public in the form of hate speech. You can see some of the photos in this album... Still, I don't understand why Islamophobic does exist in Germany. I mean, we don't even have something like 9/11 or any terrorism activities involving Islam here. In short, that Islamophober girl got into a fierce discussion with some passers-by. Most of the passers-by aren't moslems, but they do think that something was just not right so they decided to speak out. I'm not even religious but I do think she was wrong. You can't just freaking generalize the entire society based on the actions of relatively few bad ones. Film: Fomapan 400 developed using D-76 Gear: Leica CL + Rokkor 40mm

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