Fasching in München

It was my last day in Munich before I had to go to Erlangen to stay at my brother-in-law's flat. Little did I know, there was this Fasching festival in the city center in Munich in which people wear costumes and such. It was fun because I was finally able to freely shoot everyone with no worries (yep, candid or not, doesn't matter). As you might have noticed, I haven't really been able to take a lot of candid pics here because the Germany's law regarding privacy and taking photos in public places is quite strict which makes it hard for me as *self-proclaimed* street photographer to take photos in public places. Anyway, it was such a great event. Everyone seemed happy and so did I. Oh and BTW, it was my first time using Kodak TMax 400. A great film I'd say, but not any better than the legendary Kodak Tri-X 400.

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